Import a Mailing list

You may fill in a mailing list without typing by importing it from csv or excel file.

From a csv file

Go on the "Mailing list / Import from csv file" menu.
- Specify the CSV file by clicking on the file button
- Specify the name of the new mailing list.
- Specify the columns of the CSV file in which are located the informations to import. Specify the comma character.
- Click on the "import" button to start.

From an excel file

Go on the "Mailing list / Import from excel file" menu.
- Specify the Excelfile by clicking on the file button. Specify the sheet name.
- Specify the name of the new mailing list.
- Specify the columns of the Excel file in which are located the informations to import. Specify the first line number Excel
- Click on the "import" button to start.