Edit a mailing list

Select a mailing list and click on the "Modify" button

- To add a new addressee, click on the "New" button, down to the left of the window, then fill all fields if you have information. Click on the "Add" button to insert the new line in the list.
- To modify informations, choose the line in the table, Change information at the bottom of the window and click on the "Modify".
- To delete an adressee, choose the line in the table and click on "delete" button.

There are 7 fields by addressee: Email, Courtesy, Forename, Name and text 1,2 and 3 in which you can put personal information. You must fill this information if you want to use fields in your emails.

To record your changes, click on the "Save" button. To go out without saving, click on the "Cancel" button.